('set', 'userId', {{USER_ID}}); // Establezca el ID de usuario mediante el user_idga con el que haya iniciado sesión.

viernes, septiembre 29, 2006

Cool Video: 250ml Rhythm - "Redbull Art of Can 2005"

Aqui les muestro un remix editado por 250ml rythm, el cual tom como muestra aquello que fue una serie de anuncios comerciales de la bebida RedBull titulada "The Art of Can 2005" de un toque asi como aquellos anuncios de Nike con pelotas de basketball.

The next review was take it from the original description post it in ww.YouTube.com

"Redbull Art of Can" was open for any entry inspired/ using their cans. It took me a week sketching for a rythm (since all the sounds where in the same frequency range..)After that I had three days film and edit the video. The first 20 seconds of cans dropping took 6 hours to edit. And I continued like that editing nonstop for three days. On the third day without any sleep I started to go a bit mad, but managed to send of the entry to myself! Puzzled, I decided to post it on YouTube, where it somehow got featured.
This is not a commercial, nor am I a Shill.

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