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jueves, diciembre 20, 2007

Insólito: Niñas de 10 a 16 años se prostituyen por Alcohol

Girls as young as 10 will prostitute themselves for a couple of cans of beer.
English article below


Sydney, Australia. Segun el sacerdote Chris Riley, jefe de una institución de ayuda a niños de la calle en Sydney Australia, dice que en una zona las niñas estan abusando del alcohol, a tal punto que se prostituyen por una botella de Jack Daniels.

Dice que en algunas comunidades, cuando él y un grupo estan trabajando a las 9:30 de la mañana, ha visto niños de entre 12 y 13 años con botellas de Jack Daniels en sus manos y que para él es alarmante como estas cosas estan a disponibilidad de los niños. Leer mas de esta noticia aqui (en inglés)


GIRLS as young as 11 will prostitute themselves for a couple of cans of beer, says Sydney youth campaigner Father Chris Riley.

Father Riley said today he was not surprised by a report showing kids as young as 10 were abusing alcohol.

"In some of the communities we're working in at 9.30 in the morning, 12- (and) 13-year-olds have bottles of Jack Daniels in their hands, and it is just shocking the way these things are available to kids," Father Riley said on ABC radio.

"In one of our communities we work in, a group of girls aged between 11 and 16 go down to the bars and clubs at 1am, because that is when they will close, and will prostitute themselves simply for a can or two of beer.

"This is common throughout the communities we're working in." Read more of this article here.

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