('set', 'userId', {{USER_ID}}); // Establezca el ID de usuario mediante el user_idga con el que haya iniciado sesión.

martes, noviembre 06, 2007

Madre Vende la Leche de Sus Senos/Mother Sells her Extra Breast Milk

English article below, in the end.

Bueno, pa´como van las cosas en mi pais, si la crisis sigue, este negocio podria hacerse popular en mi patria.

NOVIEMBRE 2 --- En Iowa una mujer con leche materna en sus manos puso esta semana un anuncio en los clasificados de un periódico ofreciendo vender la leche de sus senos por doscientos dolares (US$200.00) o la mejor oferta que le propongan.

Aqui les presento el anuncio en los clasificados


NOVEMBER 2--An Iowa mother with extra breast milk on her hands this week placed a newspaper ad offering to sell the milk for $200 (or the best offer she receives). Martha Heller's unorthodox offer, which first appeared in Tuesday's edition of The Gazette, came after Heller, 22, was stuck with 100 ounces of frozen milk when her four-month-old daughter refused to nurse from a bottle. Heller's ad ran in the "Children's items" category of the Gazette's classified section and is below an ad offering a Barbie jeep for $150. A spokesman for Iowa's Department of Public Health told The Gazette that he was unaware of any laws barring the sale of breast milk, but that state officials frowned upon such offers.

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